Friday, August 21, 2009

Check Out Our New Facebook Page

Not to be left behind, I too am joining the facebook and twitter generation. Find the new facebook page at:
Check out the discussion board on the page and participate. Today's topic is "Why is There So Much Bad News About Retirement?" You see, I get a daily RSS feed about news articles written about retirement issues and all the news seems to be bad. However, the people I know who are retired are having the time of their lives. Why, I wonder, is there such a disconnect? If you have something positive to report about retirement please participate in the discussion.

For example here's some good news I posted: When our economic system was collapsing last year and early this year I sought advice from my 88 year old father who said, wisely, don't worry son, things will improve, they always do. And, he was right. Almost a year later things do seem to be improving. Additionally, like everyone else, I cut back my spending in response to the crisis and learned that I can even live happily on less money than I had predicted when I retired. Now that is good news. Living on less doesn't mean I'm a cheapskate and it doesn't mean that I'm depriving myself of things that I really need. But it does mean that I have to spend a little time getting the best value for my buck which I have turned into sort of a game. Recently, I spent some time getting insurance quotes (home, car, umbrella etc.). When you're working, who has time to do that? Turns out I saved $800 bucks a year for my efforts. Not bad eh?
P.S. What does the picture have to do with this topic? Nothing. My wife and I recently went on a two and one half month motor home trip (retired people can do that you know!). One of the stops was Arches National Park in Utah. While I am loathe to use the current vernacular, it was truly awesome.

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